Andrea Leigh Narducci


Pictures of me and my friends

What i am like:    i am 5'4", and i have a nice enough body.  later, i plan on putting naked pics on here (joke).  but anyways, i have long, blonde hair and brown eyes.  i was born on a beautiful day on June 4, 1982.  i love to make people laugh and i say how i feel about someone.  i get along with a lot of people and only have 3 people out to kill me as far as i know...people have a problem with me, and they like to just ignore the fact that they could just tell me how they feel.  i am an interesting person, but then so is everyone else in this crazy, funked up world... mostly, i love to just babble on about anything and everything all at once. i am very easy to confuse, and sometimes, i even confuse myself.  

favorites:   My favorite colors are black, dark blue, and yellow I love Led Zeppelin and have seen them in concert, and there is an awesome web page you can go to if you like them. I really love Volkswagen Beetles, and there is good site to go to if those are cool to you. I have a picture of my dream car if you'd like to see...a sportscar i will someday own is either a mustang GT convertible or a mitsubishi eclipse GST, since GSTs are the best.  i love guys with red hair! my ex has red hair, and my sweetie now has red hair (even if it's artificial:) and one of my friends, Jeremy has red hair too. i love thunderstorms, and a picnic lunch on the water.  i know that i am a romantic, and i can't help it.  the best thing to do on a rainy day is just stay in bed with your sweetie, always remember that.

things i do for fun  I absolutely love to party with all of my close friends. We go bowling, and chill at people's houses, or go to White Rock in Bethel and just have a great time together.  I just visited a new place called "The Rocks," but it should really be called "The Boulders" because there are some huge ass boulders out there.  It is past Brickerville.  Just try and ask me for directions to that place!!  there are lots of places that i have never been, but will venture to in my lifetime.  those places are:  italy, north dakota, minnesota, arizona, canada, and any other place that i have never ever never been before.   

one word to describe me:   SEXY... at least that's the word that i hear the most from all my friends.  ;)

my sweetie:    i know what you are saying already...oh god, please spare us the romantics... well tough shit, this is my webpage and my sweetie is too awesome to not write anything about.  his  name is aaron thomas jandrew, and he is a fanatic about cars.  he has red hair at the moment and the most amazing blue eyes i have ever seen. he is a lot taller than me, but then so are most people.  i like to do just about anything with him, because he makes everything so much fun, even if it's just watching the grass grow on a sunny day.  we always go to out to cool places, like Family Grand Prix Raceway.  i love that he is my sweetie and not anyone elses...  :} plus, he thinks of things that are important to me and doesn't purposely ever hurt me.  

his family:    his family is great, too.  he has a funny as hell mom (Rex), a cool dad (Bruce), two sisters, and a brother, Chad.  Chad chills with us a lot, or we chill with him, whichever.  we always go to so many places.  i love to be with all of them just watching movies or anything, because Chad and AJ always pick on their mom and drink her diet pepsi.


Thank you for putting up with all my romantics and i hope you had a good visit... LATER!!