these are my amazing friends...all of these people have had a great impact on my life, and they'll be in my heart forever. there is no one else in the world who knows me like these people, and i love them all...
From back, left to right-Zach, Rob, Jessi, Bree:
These people are so freaking great! Jessi and I have been friends for a
really long time. Zach and Rob and Bree I haven't known that long, but I
am so happy that I know them now.
and Jason: Lewie and Jason
are so awesome. I am glad to count them among my friends. They have
been there through a lot of rough times, and I will miss them a lot when we all
move along. Lewie and Jessi are going out and they are happy together most of
the time. Jason and I were together for a year and a half, but now we are
just friends, and that works good.
Noah: This
guy is one fine specimen of a man. He has a really nice body and is a lot
of fun to chill with on Friday nights. (PARTY)
and Jake: Tobie is a rather
strange person who has no luck with cars. Jake has had a pretty hard time
with some different cars, too.
Andrea (me) and Barry:
Barry and I have had some bad times, but just like all good friends, we
got around them and our friendship is still going strong.
Amy and Tim: Amy is one of the
most awesome girls I know. Not only does she put up with Tim, but she is
having his baby. Wow, that must be tough.
Senior Prom 1999-top to bottom, left to right: TOP=Amy, Tim, Heather, Tom, Woody, Slutty Whore, Barry, Jessi, Eric, Amy BOTTOM=I forget his name, Jackie, Lewie, Andrea (me), Gregg, Amy, Mandy, Matt:
This was my first prom, and after we left the Riveredge, I can't really say that I remember too much about it. The bathroom at Tim's house is really nice though!! ;)
Now, even though there are no pictures yet, these people play a very important part in my life:
Aaron: He is on another page, but he is my boyfriend. to see more about him, just click here...(oh yeah, ladies, he's most definitely taken:)
Billy: This person is one of my very best friends. He has been there to listen to my problems for over two years now, and yes, there have been some rough times. We got through these too, and our friendship grows stronger as each day passes.
Chad: He is mentioned on the same page as Aaron, because they are brothers. He is the funniest person to be with when you are not in the right mind, because he just thinks of the funniest things to say.
Ray and Katrina: I put these two together because they are going out and have been for a long time. Ray has an awesome Honda Prelude. I wish I had a picture of his and Aaron's cars because they are slammed and beautiful (or kick ass).
Melissa: I don't quite know Melissa that well yet, but with this crowd, I can't just leave her out. She is beautiful and she is just a totally crazy person and everyone loves her. She says and does the funniest stuff sometimes.